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Marco Tizzi

Legal Expert

Phone: +390575788948

Office: Piazza Torre di Berta 4 - 52037 Sansepolcro (AR)

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Born in Sansepolcro, Tuscany, the birthplace of Piero della Francesca, Marco spent most of his childhood there.

He attended the Liceo Classico Musicale “Francesco Petrarca” in Arezzo where, in 2003, he obtained his classical as well as musical diploma, taking the fifth year in Flute Traverso.

In 2004 he moved to Bologna where he enrolled in the G. B. Martini Conservatory and, in parallel, in the Faculty of Law.

In 2006 he graduated brilliantly in the Traverso class and in 2011 he graduated from the Faculty of Law with a prestigious thesis in Canon Law entitled "Joan of Arc: from Heretic to Saint". Thanks to the accolades obtained from his thesis work, in 2012 he obtained permission to study the last two trials of St. Joan of Arc, precisely that of Beatification and Canonization, at the Vatican Apostolic Archives, which are still being studied.

Enrolled as a trainee lawyer at the College of Arezzo, he attended a training internship at the Court of Arezzo where he had the opportunity to study various subjects in depth, namely the protection of the person, separations/divorces, successions, medical liability, until he approached the real estate field, specifically that of real estate executions.

In 2013 he was hired by the Judicial Sales Institute at the Court of Arezzo where he held the position of Custode Giudiziario.

Fascinated by the real estate sphere, from 2019 to 2023, he held the position of notary collaborator at a well-known associated firm in Arezzo, where he got in tousch with the renowned company Romolini Immobiliare.

Parallel to his collaboration with Romolini Immobiliare, he teaches flute, devotes himself to the study of the Baroque Traverso, and collaborates with various musical ensembles and orchestras.


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